Wednesday 17 December 2008


Edvard Munch
The Scream
1893, Tempera and pastel on board91 x 73.5 cm

"I was out walking with two friends. The sun began to set. I felt a breath of melancholy. Suddenly the sky turned blood-red. I paused, deathly tired and leaned on a fence looking out across the flaming clouds over the blue-black fjord and towns. My friends walked on and there I still stood, trembling with fear - and I sensed a great, infinite scream run through nature."

---Edvard Munch

站立不穩。光線沉沒在影子中,feel like sinking。我蹲下,所有人前進。很多影子在流動,漸行漸遠,拉成一條條血紅的瘦長的線。我只有瑟縮,如石子投在海裡。

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